The Creative Now


Learn and re-discover your joy, creativity, playfulness, imagination and self expression through adventures and workshops that incorporate art, drawing, community discussions and downright silliness! 

Together, we will take you through games and exercises that will re-awaken the curious childlike wonder that we all start out with. Where does that creative genius disappear to? 

We are told to grow up and get serious. 

We believe that is where we lose our authentic selves; that art and creativity are invaluable life skills. 

Open discussions within the group will have you be an integral contribution simply by being you. Your enthusiastic facilitators will take you on an adventure that will have you build on your communication skills, inspire confidence, learn more about yourself and others by gaining the courage to step outside the box, and ultimately learn what it really means to play team and overall enrich your life. We will move through topics such as emotional intelligence, the power of word, self expression, healing through art and adapting your own unique style so that you can live the life you only ever imagined!

Here is the course we offer:

Here's your opportunity to make a difference in someone's life. You can make a donation for another student's tuition!
Please email us at if you're making a donation for someone in particular.

“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want” 

– Zig Ziglar –

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