Our Trainers




Christopher DeSanti is an International Trainer. His background stems from a sudden shift in awakening at the age of sixteen where his life took on a clear purpose of self-realization and discovery. 



Dr. Barry M. Warren has been involved in Personal Growth and Transformational Trainings in one capacity or another since 1983 when he first sought out coaching for his business/practice as a chiropractic physician.



Since 2009, Kris Delgado has been a coach and Part 2 and Masterful Living Trainer. She received her Trainer Certification from Trainer Designs Global, and she is a Certified NLP Practitioner, as well as a Certified Happiness Coach. She's also the founder of the coaching movement "Rise Up To Love".



Millicent Huser is a facilitator of Part 2, and Masterful Living. She works as a mindset coach with organizations including Drug And Alcohol Reduction Team, Art of Recovery Film Festival and multiple mental health programs.



Barkha Herman is a Trainer and a coach, with a Technical Career that spans 3 decades. She started her transformational journey in 1984 and runs workshops within her corporate environment as well as running her own Coaching business.


Haber Zambrano

Liz Haber Zambrano is a professionally certified coach with International Coach Federation and certified transformational trainer specializing in women’s development. Over her career, Liz has worked with hundreds of women and men and has logged over 1,000 hours in combined coaching and workshop facilitating experience. Liz’s coaching and training style propels you to love your life. She supports women to create extraordinary results, and have their dreams realized, and focus on what really matters to them. She also assists women in mastering communication and leadership skills to effectively inspire others. As a coach and trainer, Liz supports women and their families to find healthy perceptions of themselves and strengthen their relationships so they can know themselves as peaceful, complete, whole and safe. 
Liz has a passionate heart for possibility and a desire for every woman to know the true gift they are to our world, the people around them and themselves. 
Liz is the owner of a private coaching practice, Living in Zen Coaching, LLC and works as a facilitator of The Sacred Feminine workshop. 
Liz is also a mother, daughter, sister and wife. In her free time, she enjoys eating great meals with her family and friends and traveling the world and rainy days watching movies on the couch.



Holly is a professional coach for individuals and couples, where her expertise is clear, effective communication in all relationships, while balancing masculine and feminine energy dynamics. She is the co-facilitator of The Sacred Feminine workshop as well as it's sister course, The Practical Guide to Feminine Power.
Outside of Redesign Trainings, Holly is a relationship coach for 
strong, successful, warrior women who feel they can't be themselves in their relationship without causing conflict or rocking the boat. She teaches women how to communicate clearly, with ease and love, while creating connected partnerships and experiencing full self-expression.
In 2015, Holly founded the Facebook group and women’s movement, Warrior. Goddess. Queen., and since then has taught over 6,200 members how to be more conscious in their relationships, master their mindfulness, and connect and support each other as global sisters.

“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want”  

– Zig Ziglar –

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Please email us at donations@Healing-Angels.org if you're making a donation for someone in particular.
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